Saturday, February 27, 2010

Need a Hair Style for Your Wedding Day?!

Pampering your on your wedding day is the best idea yet! Getting your hair and make up done is a great idea. if you have the money. If not, no worries. You can always check to see if any of your friends or bridesmaids can help!

Short hair has been very popular this past winter. I am one that gave in to the trend. I cut off 10 inches! hey- it’s hair, it’ll grow back! I am hoping to get back to long hair before I get married- which will happen at some point.

Since there are so many styles and lengths of hair, always do a trial run. You want to make sure that it is something that will compliment you, your face shape and your dress. Do not go crazy changing your cut or color before your wedding. When you look back at your wedding album (20 years down the road) you want to be able to recognize yourself! I am posting a few pictures of some different styles that I like.

I LOVE The Knot. Click on the link below and get some great ideas from them..,%202010&ODBTHEMENAME=Real-Weddings&MsdVisit=1

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Check out Our New Promotion we are offering until April 30th, 2010!

I am very excited about this new promotion that we are offering!! Book by April 30th, 2010 and you will receive 3 additions to our already AMAZING $99.00 Dream Wedding Package!

*Complimentary Parking for ALL of your guests the night of your wedding.
*A SECOND Complimentary Night Stay the weekend of your wedding
*Breakfast in Bed for both Bride and Groom the Morning after your wedding.

These are three FABULOUS additions that you can't miss out on! Let me know if you have any questions or want to come in to tour the hotel.