Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wedding Hair

I am in the process of growing out my hair for my wedding.. which is in 255 days. :) Wow, that seems so far away but the next 8 months are going to fly by! Anyway, I am writing today about hair styles. I havent really decided how I want my hair style to be. I am not an 'up-do' kind of person. My hair is NEVER in a ponytail, it is always down. I feel that is how I look my best. But then I see some of these beautiful up do's and I am torn!

I do love curls.. and when my hair is long it is usually curly in some shape or form. This first hair style is my favorite. Or maybe the same style just have it to the side a little some that some hair can fall in front of me. My hair always needs to be in the front. I do have to hide the back of my neck though, I dont ususally talk about personal items on here, but I have tatoos on the back of my neck! 4 stars that represent mine and my siblings birthstones. (covering up tattoos will be another post I think. haha) So I feel like I need to have my hair down to cover them. or I can cover them up with make up. But my Mom is totally against being able to see tattoos in your wedding dress.

But below are some hair styles that I like, and that are very versitile. I most likely will do something close to the first picture.. and will most likely be getting extensions. there is no way my hair is going to grow 10 inches by October.

All the pictures are from The Knot, and they have a ton more! Make sure that you do a trial run with your Hair Dresser before your wedding, so that you know that you want and so that your hair dresser is fully prepared when they come the day of your wedding.
Also, for the brides with short hair... do not think that it isn't possible to get a cute hair style. Many things can be done with short hair, ask your hair dresser what she thinks. Afterall, they are the professional at it!

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